Wednesday, May 6, 2015

4 Awesome Things About Children with Pets (That You Probably Didn't Know)

You already know that having a pet teaches children responsibility. What you might not know is that your children could be healthier, calmer and better students, as a direct result of growing up with a family pet. Today I’m talking about four lesser-known benefits that children gain from having pets:

1. Children with pets are healthier

Several studies have proven the health benefits for children in families with pets. Children who grow up around pets have stronger immune systems and less instances of childhood asthma and allergies due to exposure to dust and dander. Benefits continue with age; children with pets spend more time outside and get more exercise.

photo credit: Me & George, 1965 via photopin (license)
Dogs can keep us happy and healthy!

The whole family can benefit from having a pet. Statistics prove it: people with pets require less doctor visits on average than people without pets.

2. Pets teach children about life and death.

The death of a beloved pet is heartbreaking for a child, but it is also an opportunity for them to learn about death through personal experience. Most pets have relatively short life spans when compared to our own. Hamsters live about 3 years; guinea pigs, 6 years; dogs and cats live about 13 to 14 years on average.

Toto was a good dog.

When a pet dies, your child will likely undergo the grieving process, which, while sad, can lead to their personal growth as a person.

3. Pets provide stress relief and calming effects for children

Just sitting and stroking a pet can have a relaxing effect on the mind. Studies have shown that dogs can help humans reduce stress and treat depression, and children with ADD and ADHD or Austim can also benefit from the calming effects of interacting with a family pet.

photo credit: Tortura via photopin (license)
Kids love cats. (Cats tolerate kids.)

There is even evidence that having a pet can help children with cognitive and emotional development.

4. Pets help children get better at reading and biology

When children read out loud, it increases their reading comprehension and speaking abilities more than reading silently. What can be an awkward activity when alone becomes a fun activity when you have a family pet. Most children feel more comfortable reading out loud to a pet than reading out loud by themselves.

The pets enjoy it too!

It's not just reading skills that get a boost. Studies have also proven that children with pets in their daily life develop a better understanding of biology than their pet-free classmates, even though their interactions with the animals are mostly social.

Is your family ready for a pet?

If you have a pet, or plan on getting one for your family, be sure to discuss with your children the proper way to treat and care for a pet, and always watch your children around new pets. If you're unsure about getting a pet, consider the suggestions in Is Your Child Ready For a Pet? on the American Academy of Pediatrics website. Pets are a long-term commitment, so the decision to get one should be made only after thoughtful consideration.

When getting a pet, it’s a good idea to set some ground rules, for both the well being of your new pet and the safety of your children. I recommend taking a look at this list of Responsible Pet Owner Rules for Kids on the Growing Up With Pets website (or download the PDF version) for some basic guidelines to share with your children.

Your children could experience any or all of the benefits I listed above. One thing I know for sure, my family wouldn't be complete without our fluffy little eight-year-old Bichon Frise, Sebastian.

Until next time, happy fathering. (and mothering too!)

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

6 Money-Saving Tips for Families with Children

These tips will help keep your family well clothed, fed, and entertained without breaking the bank.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

6 Easy Ways To Say “I Love You” To Your Child

Letting your children know you love them is an essential part of being a parent. On his blog, Joshua Becker, author of the book Simplify and Clutterfree with Kids, says there are many reasons for telling your child you love themChildren who know they are loved are better adjusted, both emotionally and socially. There’s even evidence that kids who have parents that tell them they are loved do better in school than kids who don’t hear it from their parents.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

4 Ways to Keep Your Cool When Kids are Being Difficult

I've said it before-- kids can be unpredictable. Despite your best efforts as a father, there will be times your child makes wrong choices or deliberately chooses to act out against your wishes. Testing boundaries and challenging authority is a natural part of the growing-up process. How you react in these situations can mean the difference between a good day and a bad day for you and your kids.

photo: Bethany King / flickr (cc)
Some days are better than others.

Here are four simple tips for keeping your cool when kids are being difficult:

Why I'm a Better College Student Now (as a Parent) Than I Was as a Teen

Getting a college degree can help you provide a better future for your family. Even an associate degree, which can be earned in about two years at your local community college, can boost your earning potential by tens of thousands of dollars a year.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

5 Outdoor Activities For Dads and Kids (That Also Count as Exercise)

When the weather is nice, it’s time to put down the tablet and get off the couch. Exercise is important for kids and dads alike. It’s recommended that we get at least an hour of physical activity every day.

Today I've put together a short list of five outdoor activities that dads and kids can enjoy together. These activities will get your family out of the house, can bring your family closer together, and could even count as your exercise for the day. All of my suggestions are either free or relatively inexpensive.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

4 Surprising Ways Life Changes When Your Child Starts Youth Wrestling

All three of my kids have played organized sports before (baseball and soccer) but none had tried wrestling -- aside from their own WWE-like bouts held around the house on a near daily basis.

When my 9-year-old son Chase decided he wanted to join a youth wrestling club for the first time, I didn’t know what to expect. Here are four things I quickly learned...

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

5 Reasons Why Your Kid’s Birthday Party is Going to Suck (and How You Can Fix It)

“This party isn't very fun.”

The words hung in the air. What could I say? Last year’s party was EXTREME! Airbrush tattoos and pizza tossing contests. Everyone had a great time. This one was was supposed to be EPIC! After all, my son was turning the big "one-zero," double digits -- 10!

I had just spent two months of planning and a week of scrubbing toilets to get everything ready for his 12 best friends to join us 
for this monumental occasion. We had the perfect invites, the perfect cake, the perfect decorations, food, games, entertainment, yet none of it mattered.

This party sucked, and my son had no problems telling me and everyone else. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

What's the best advice your dad ever gave you?

As fathers, it's our responsibility to teach and guide our kids. Every dad has certain gems of advice they hope to instill in their children. In this video, Corbyn Tyson shares this letter to his children that's filled with wisdom that he hopes they remember. 

What was the best advice your dad ever gave you? What's advice do you hope your own kids will remember? Leave me a comment!