Wednesday, March 25, 2015

5 Outdoor Activities For Dads and Kids (That Also Count as Exercise)

When the weather is nice, it’s time to put down the tablet and get off the couch. Exercise is important for kids and dads alike. It’s recommended that we get at least an hour of physical activity every day.

Today I've put together a short list of five outdoor activities that dads and kids can enjoy together. These activities will get your family out of the house, can bring your family closer together, and could even count as your exercise for the day. All of my suggestions are either free or relatively inexpensive.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

4 Surprising Ways Life Changes When Your Child Starts Youth Wrestling

All three of my kids have played organized sports before (baseball and soccer) but none had tried wrestling -- aside from their own WWE-like bouts held around the house on a near daily basis.

When my 9-year-old son Chase decided he wanted to join a youth wrestling club for the first time, I didn’t know what to expect. Here are four things I quickly learned...

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

5 Reasons Why Your Kid’s Birthday Party is Going to Suck (and How You Can Fix It)

“This party isn't very fun.”

The words hung in the air. What could I say? Last year’s party was EXTREME! Airbrush tattoos and pizza tossing contests. Everyone had a great time. This one was was supposed to be EPIC! After all, my son was turning the big "one-zero," double digits -- 10!

I had just spent two months of planning and a week of scrubbing toilets to get everything ready for his 12 best friends to join us 
for this monumental occasion. We had the perfect invites, the perfect cake, the perfect decorations, food, games, entertainment, yet none of it mattered.

This party sucked, and my son had no problems telling me and everyone else.